Artifacts Gallery - Double Signature Wave
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Double Signature Wave
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"Double Signature Wave" by David Wight

Signed Fine Art Glass
Approximate Size: 11 X 9 X 10 in.
Color: Mix of Blues with Champagne

“15 years into making glass art sculptures, I realized I had never made myself a wave. So I decided that if I made a wave for myself I would choose the blue and turquoise colors because I love them. So, the signature series became the first sculpture I made with blending these two color combos in a way that permeated the whole sculpture with sweet wisps of color. Additionally, copper leaf was added into the base and the tips of the wave would have the champagne effect of the light blue and bubbly glass. ” — DAVID WIGHT

“I originally made the Double Wave for a wedding gift for my friends. This wave symbolizes two people traveling in the same direction in life but on their own unique path. ” — DAVID WIGHT


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